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Research Projects

Metabolite based T cell immunity is emerging as a major player in antimicrobial immunity, autoimmunity, metabolic diseases, and cancer. Namely,...
Supervisor: Dr Wael Awad

Background. Melanoma is the most common cancer in young Australians. In part because of this, melanoma has the second-most detrimental socioeconomic...
Supervisor: Dr Mark Shackleton

Immune cells play a critical and under appreciated role in the development and outcome of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Focusing on the adaptive...
Supervisor: Dr Jonathan Noonan

S100A8 and S100A9 (also known as MRP8 and MRP14, respectively) are Ca2+ binding proteins belonging to the S100 family. They often form heterodimers,...
Supervisor: Dr Carlos Rosado

Clinical practice guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations to inform healthcare decision making and optimise patient care. The primary...
Supervisor: Dr Anneliese Synnot

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a key component of management for people chronic respiratory disease. A program of exercise and education, pulmonary...
Supervisor: Dr Narelle Cox

Chronic respiratory diseases, in particularly chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are a leading cause of death and disability globally....
Supervisor: Dr Narelle Cox

During pregnancy and postpartum, fathers’ active support for their partner’s and baby’s health is an effective mechanism to increase uptake of...

A qualitative exploratory study
Supervisor: Dr Malcolm Elliott

Gorillas live across a vast range of altitudes spanning from sea level to about 4,000m. This range places individual populations in very different...
Supervisor: Dr Jason Massey

A high body mass index (a clinical measure of adiposity) at mid‐life is an acknowledged risk factor for Alzheimer’s dementia (AD). Potential...

Insulin‐regulated aminopeptidase, IRAP, is highly expressed in fat and skeletal muscle where is it found to accompany the insulin‐responsive glucose...

Does location affect time to treatment of brain tumours and what is the impact on outcomes

Short-term limb immobilization that reduces muscle use for 8–10 hours is known to reduce muscle strength. However, the mechanisms through which this...

The identification of classical brown and beige adipocytes in white fat depots in adults humans has heralded a new era in adipose tissue biology with...
Supervisor: Dr Garron Dodd

The Salvation Army has been in Australia for over 130 years and currently deliver in excess of 1000 specifically designed social programs across...

Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive technique that modulates the excitability of neurons within the primary motor cortex...

The prevalence of social media is undeniable; indeed, most people check social media every day. Furthermore, it is increasingly simple to modify...
Supervisor: Dr Nicole Thomas

Does the molecular profile of a brain tumour affect the extent of resection?
