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Research Projects

Registered community pharmacists have been able to dispense medical abortion medicines (MS-2 Step) to individuals with a prescription in Australia...
Supervisor: Dr Anisa Assifi

We are seeking a candidate with a First Class Honours degree or equivalent in a health-related field with an understanding of mixed methods and...

New Psychoactive Substances (NPS), also commonly referred to as ‘designer drugs’ or ‘legal highs’ are substances that are designed to mimic the...

To date neurological disorders have been studied and evaluated using a list based on the frequencies of symptoms and signs. This approach is not...
Supervisor: Professor Thanh Phan

Every ageing woman faces potentially debilitating physical symptoms following the cessation of ovarian function at menopause. Crucially, many of...
Supervisor: Dr Kelly Walton

Gonadal-derived inhibin A and inhibin B are essential factors in mammalian reproduction, negatively regulating pituitary production of follicle...

Introduction: Epilepsy is a devastating neurological disorder that affects around 50 million people worldwide. Patients with acquired epilepsy, one...
Supervisor: Dr Idrish Ali

This project aims to determine how antibiotic resistance and toxin plasmids are replicated and maintained in this important bacterial pathogen
Supervisor: E/Prof Julian Rood

BACKGROUND Poor plaster application technique thereby leading to the loss of reduction in a plaster cast has been considered to be the most...

Stroke is a global leading cause of death and disability. Despite this, there is currently no treatment to limit inflammatory events which has been...

Pleurotolysin: a pore forming toxin from the carnivorous oyster mushroom

During the first trimester, a point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) examination can be performed to confirm, document, rule out or evaluate evidence of...

There is currently no agreed upon ethical guidelines for the provision of post-trial access to experimental neurotechnological devices (e.g. deep...

Postpartum haemorrhage is a common, and sometimes life-threatening, complication of birth. The Victorian Perinatal Data Collection has information...
Supervisor: Dr Mary-Ann Davey

Snake envenomation is a risk that every Malaysian and visitor to the country are facing. It is estimated that Malaysia has up to 650 snakebites per...
Supervisor: Dr Syafiq Asnawi

Our team undertake a range of projects focused on improving the way precision medicine and rehabilitation can optimise the health and wellbeing of...

This project is part of the Victorian Paediatric Cancer Consortium and marks a significant investment in future clinical management and novel...
Supervisor: Dr Ron Firestein

Transplantation is a life-saving procedure for patients with end-stage organ disease, but requires immunosuppressive medications to prevent rejection...
Supervisor: Brad Gardiner

Silicosis is an interstitial lung disease which can cause breathlessness, a reduction in lung function, and even death or requirement for lung...
Supervisor: Dr Hayley Barnes

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, lupus) is a serious systemic autoimmune condition, which in most cases leads to permanent organ damage, in turn...
Supervisor: Professor Eric Morand
