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Research Projects

Although modern humans are now a global species, our ancestral lineage evolved for much of the past 7 million years in Africa. Understanding how and...

The eukaryotic genome consists of two classes of genes preceded by distinctly different promoter sequences. Housekeeping genes (90%) code for...
Supervisor: Dr Dominika Elmlund

How does the brain represent information about the external world? Why do we have so many distinct brain areas? How is the representation of...
Supervisor: Dr Nicholas Price

We wish to revolutionise the treatment of autoimmune diseases. We are hoping to devise strategies to eliminate harmful auto reactive cells using...

The academic research program within this laboratory is focused on defining the key molecular interactions underlying receptor recognition events...

A major challenge in cancer therapeutics is to kill tumour cells without harming normal cells in the body. Traditional chemotherapy tries to do this...
Supervisor: Dr Lan Nguyen

Amyloid precursor protein (APP) plays key roles in apoptosis, synaptic plasticity, neurogenesis, learning, and memory, but its exact physiological...

Helicobacter pylori persistently colonize the epithelium of the stomach in roughly half of the world’s population. It is a causative agent of...

Cancer therapy and oncology has entered a new exciting era of targeted therapy and personalised patient treatment, but resistance and tumour...
Supervisor: Dr Lan Nguyen

Uncertainty tolerance is a psychological construct describing how individuals manage and respond to uncertainty. Given the pervasiveness of...
Supervisor: Dr Michelle Lazarus

In recent years, the landscape of cancer therapy has shifted dramatically. Novel approaches based on harnessing the patient’s own immune system have...

The LCT-producing clostridia are an important group of pathogens that cause severe disease in both humans and animals. In most cases the diseases...
Supervisor: Professor Dena Lyras

The incredible diversity of Australian mammals, including the remarkable radiation of marsupials, have been researched for over a century. Yet much...

Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels from the existing vasculature, is essential for tumor growth and metastasis. In the last decade,...
Supervisor: Dr Katrina Colafella

The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is one of the most important hormonal systems regulating both acute and chronic blood pressure. The main effector...

Background: Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) are fibroblastic precursor cells that have the stem cell-like ability to differentiate into...

MULTIPLE SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE 4-year Doctoral Program; Stipends: $33,413/year; Conference support: $5,000; Industry placement; Advanced...

Psoriasis is a skin autoimmune disease that affects 2-3% of the global population. Around half of the patients carry the major risk gene for...
Supervisor: Dr. Asolina Braun

This project investigates the novel architecture of the power system found in a bacterial flagellar motor specialised for locomotion in viscous...

Studies in the Ryan lab involve understanding how protein complexes are built and how mutations in proteins cause defects in assembly. Our models are...
Supervisor: Professor Mike Ryan
