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Research Projects

Development of therapeutic antibodies to treat human diseases

The oocyte-secreted TGF-beta proteins, BMP15 and GDF9, are essential for the acquisition of oocyte developmental competence during folliculogenesis....

The oocyte-secreted factors, bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) and growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9), are essential for the acquisition of...
Supervisor: Dr Kelly Walton

Rapid advances in virtual reality (VR) technologies have created the means to immerse people in safe, highly realistic, personally designed,...
Supervisor: Dr Rebecca Segrave

Many rehabilitation professionals are starting to use web-based applications to create and monitor exercise programs for their patients. These...

The thymus is primarily responsible for generating naïve, self-tolerant T cells from hematopoietic precursors. However, deterioration of thymic...

This project seeks to further improve the behavior of our prototype peptide inhibitor CHA-061 against the profibrotic effect of CDA1. CHA-061 is a...
Supervisor: Dr Zhong-Lin Chai

Single cell technologies are being rapidly adopted and accordingly, there is a high demand for intuitive tools and software that help with the...

People with traumatic brain injury (TBI) have complex health needs, not only following their injury, but throughout their life, and these are made...
Supervisor: Dr Christina Ekegren

Background: Our understanding of early hominin diets is usually based on a limited number of fossil specimens. One way to address the fragmentary...
Supervisor: A/Prof Luca Fiorenza

The Australian Synchrotron is aiming to be a world leader at 3D x-ray imaging of breast cancer patients by performing in-vivo scans by 2021. The...
Supervisor: Dr Matthew Dimmock

Occupational voice users rely on vocal stability and endurance to meet job expectations yet vocal fatigue is a common occurrence. This can lead to...

Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is due to bleeding in the brain and occurs in 15% of stroke. The Glasgow Coma Score is often used to monitor the...
Supervisor: Professor Thanh Phan

The adaptive arm of immune system uses lymphocytes to generate antibody and memory responses to challenges throughout life. Three lineages of...
Supervisor: Dr Martin Davey

Natural killer (NK) cells are effector lymphocytes of the innate immune system that are known for their ability to kill transformed and virus-...

Transcriptional regulators play a key role in activating oncogenic pathways that impinge on tumour growth, invasion and mestasasis. We study the role...
Supervisor: Dr Ron Firestein

An opportunity exists to undertake a PhD at the Healthy Working Lives Research Group within the Monash University School of Public Health and...
Supervisor: Dr Shannon Gray

Inflammatory Bowel Disease is an incurable disease that affects approximately 1 in 200 young Australians, with increasing incidence worldwide. Up to...
Supervisor: Dr Edward Giles

The transition to life after birth is one of the greatest physiological challenges that humans face. At birth, the airways are cleared of liquid, to...
Supervisor: Dr Kelly Crossley
