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Research Projects

This project aims to better define rates of reactivation from the point of initial exposure/infection to the later development of active TB. The...
Supervisor: A/Prof James Trauer

There has been an explosion in research on psychedelic drugs in recent years, including clinical trials of psilocybin and MDMA (ecstasy) for the...

I am co-lead of the DNA Screen population DNA screening pilot study (recently completed in 2024): If you have an...
Supervisor: Dr Jane Tiller PhD

There are differences in fracture risk between ethnic groups in both men and in women across the globe. It is important to understand the underlying...
Supervisor: Dr Ayse Zengin

Despite growing evidence for the high prevalence of primary aldosteronism in people with hypertension, it remains under-diagnosed. However, it is not...
Supervisor: A/Prof Jun Yang

Consumer and community involvement in healthcare is vital to improving satisfaction with care This project focuses on systematic literature review...

Road traffic injuries are the second leading cause of hospitalised injury and injury-related deaths in Australia, and are estimated to cost the...
Supervisor: Dr Ben Beck

Uncertainty tolerance is a psychological construct describing how individuals manage and respond to uncertainty. Given the pervasiveness of...
Supervisor: Dr Michelle Lazarus

Pregnancy is a high risk window for accelerated weight gain and adverse lifestyle behaviours, leading to increased risk of complications. Women from...
Supervisor: Dr Cheryce Harrison

Primary aldosteronism (PA) is the most common, and a potentially curable, cause of hypertension, estimated to affect 5-10% of all hypertensive...
Supervisor: A/Prof Jun Yang

Since highly effective treatments for hepatitis C (HCV) became available in Australia in 2016, elimination of the disease is now a realistic...
Supervisor: Dr Nick Scott

Approximately 7% of Australian children are diagnosed with ADHD which result in increased levels of distractibility, impulsivity, forgetfulness, and...
Supervisor: Dr Hannah Kirk

This research endeavor centers on evaluating the implementation of guideline recommendations for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), a condition that...

Our team has developed the Therapist-assisted Online Parenting Strategies (TOPS) program and found it to show promising benefits for parents of...

Stress and the ways that medical professional deal with it has received a renewed interest in recent times With novel wearable technology the stress...

Evaluation of a stress reduction programme for active surgeons using wearable technology.

Opportunities exist to be involved in this exciting project on innovative digital monitoring devices for neonates. The project will involve...
Supervisor: A/Prof Atul Malhotra

In Feb 2022 Monash Health introduced a new suspected MI pathway. Patients follow one of four streams depending on pre-hospital symptom duration/onset...

Evaluation of treatment outcomes following aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage: a prospective audit

Ideal body size has changed over time. Blonde bombshell Marilyn Monroe was idolised in the 1950’s, whereas the 1990’s saw the idolisation of heroin...
Supervisor: Dr Nicole Thomas
