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Research Projects

“There is a remarkably close link between where you are on the socioeconomic ladder and your health – the higher the rank, the better the health. I...
Supervisor: Dr Rosanne Freak-Poli

It has been documented that increases in muscle strength during the early phases of a strength training program (first 2–4 weeks) occur in the...

The immune system has evolved to fight infections while avoiding destruction of the body's own cells and tissues. Controlling the activity of...
Supervisor: Dr Daniel Garama

: Neural stem cells (NSCs) offer great promise as a neuroprotective therapy against a range of neurological conditions, like cerebral palsy. NSCs...
Supervisor: Dr Courtney McDonald

Sarcopenia is the progressive degenerative loss of muscle mass and strength associated with ageing. As part of the frailty syndrome, sarcopenia is a...

Although exercise is a recommended treatment for musculoskeletal pain, we are still not sure what the mechanisms are. It is clear that not everyone...

An international ground-breaking large randomised controlled trial (RCT) ( CI, Egerton-Warburton) and meta-analysis has demonstrated that...

A number of universities run units or majors in the field of developmental biology, embryology or stem cells. Developmental biology encompasses and/...
Supervisor: Dr Sonja McKeown

This project centres on KIR3DL1 polymorphism and how it translates to improved outcomes in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for the treatment...
Supervisor: Mr Julian Vivian

Current programs *Systems pharmacology studies of the mode of action and resistance mechanisms of antibiotics *Antibiotic hybrids *Inhalation...
Supervisor: Tony Velkov

Many bacteria are motile. Chemotaxis, mediated by chemoreceptors, plays an important role in bacterial survival and virulence. In this project, we...

Women make up 75% of the healthcare workforce, yet they fail to progress their careers at the same rate as men. We hold a national NHMRC grant...

Dementia affects every corner of the globe and has an estimate prevalence between 40-50 million people around the world. It affects an estimate of...
Supervisor: Professor Thanh Phan

Infectious diseases continue to pose significant threats to public health globally. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the need for...
Supervisor: Dr Romain Ragonnet

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer related deaths worldwide. The greatest advance in treatment has been the development of agents that...
Supervisor: A/Prof Daniel Gough

Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and woman, and non-small cell lung cancer accounts for 80% of lung cancer cases. Across...

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer related deaths worldwide. One of the greatest advances in cancer treatment has been the development of...
Supervisor: A/Prof Daniel Gough

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder affecting reproductive-aged women. PCOS is associated with reproductive (menstrual...

Cognitive reserve encompasses both neural reserve (capacity/efficiency of the brain prepathological damage) and neural compensation (recruitment of...
Supervisor: A/Prof. Joanne Ryan

The nuclear membrane not only serves as a vital compartmentalizer within the cell, segregating the nucleus from the cytoplasm, but it has also...
Supervisor: Dr. William Roman
