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Research Projects

The adaptive arm of immune system uses lymphocytes to generate antibody and memory responses to challenges throughout life. Three lineages of...
Supervisor: Dr Martin Davey

Currently, there are no clinically approved antiviral drugs that are highly effective against coronaviruses. Our understanding of the molecular-...
Supervisor: Dr Nadinath Nillegoda

Infection triggers large-scale changes in the phenotype and function of killer T cells that are critical for immune function, yet the gene regulatory...

Urinary tract infections are a common cause of bacterial infection, especially in females. These infections are often chronic or recurrent and can...
Supervisor: Dr Malcolm Starkey

Haemoglobin disorders, such as sickle cell disease and β-thalassaemia are the result of mutations in the adult β-globin gene. Patients suffering with...
Supervisor: Dr Jim Vadolas

Despite initial fears, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemics impact in sub-Sahara Africa has been less serious than anticipated. Possible reasons for this...
Supervisor: A/Prof Michelle Boyle

Transplantation is a life-saving procedure for patients with end-stage organ disease, but requires life-long immunosuppressive medications to prevent...
Supervisor: Brad Gardiner

The food intake of the mother during gestation and the breastfeeding period has far-reaching consequences for the development of the child and their...
Supervisor: Dr. Asolina Braun

Globally, almost 40 million people currently live with HIV infection, which remains a major public health threat. Contemporary responses to HIV have...
Supervisor: Professor Mark Stoove

People with underlying non-communicable disease have lower tolerance and worse outcomes to infections but we don't understand why. To begin to...
Supervisor: Dr Adam Rose

Many bacterial pathogens have acquired the capacity to replicate inside human cells by avoiding cell intrinsic innate immune pathways.Pathogens such...

The academic research program within this laboratory is focused on defining the key molecular interactions underlying receptor recognition events...

The Treatment and Prevention study (TAP) was a world first clinical trial of DAA treatment for a group of people who inject drugs (PWID). The idea is...
Supervisor: Dr Peter Higgs

Cytomegaloviruses (CMV) are a family of species-specific viruses that have evolved sophisticated strategies to interfere with host immunity, thereby...
Supervisor: Dr Richard Berry

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a prominent opportunistic pathogen that can cause chronic lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients, as well as serious...
Supervisor: Dr Meiling Han

The immune system has evolved to fight infections while avoiding destruction of the body's own cells and tissues. Controlling the activity of...
Supervisor: Dr Daniel Garama

Current programs *Systems pharmacology studies of the mode of action and resistance mechanisms of antibiotics *Antibiotic hybrids *Inhalation...
Supervisor: Tony Velkov

Gram-negative bacteria have caused substantial multi-drug resistance (MDR) in both clinical and community settings. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs),...

Skin-related (dermatological) conditions are common among military personnel. In Wave 2 (2011-2012) of the Australian Gulf War Veterans’ Health Study...
Supervisor: Dr StellaMay Gwini

Protective immunity to malaria is mediated by antibodies that block parasite growth. Antibody development occurs within the germinal centres, and...
Supervisor: A/Prof Michelle Boyle
