Research Projects
Viruses and pathogens are part of day-to-day encounters that the immune system needs to deal with. How the immune system “sees”, recognises and...
Supervisor: Assoc Professor Stephanie Gras
Perforin and the Complement Membrane Attack Complex (MAC) are related pore forming immune effectors that are deployed by the immune system to...
Supervisor: Professor James Whisstock
In this project, in collaboration with Professor Ross Hannan (ANU), we will study the structure of Upstream Binding Factor (UBF) in complex with...
Supervisor: Professor James Whisstock
The Myeloma and Related Diseases Registry (MRDR) is an internationally-recognised clinical quality database holding demographic, diagnostic,...
Supervisor: Dr Elizabeth Moore
We offer students an exciting opportunity to undertake translational research to improve treatment and control of STIs and genital infections,...
Supervisor: Professor Catriona Bradshaw
We offer students an exciting opportunity to undertake translational research to improve treatment & control of STIs and genital infections,...
Supervisor: Dr Lenka Vodstrcil
There is a need to identify WHY fall and fracture risk is increased among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Aboriginal and Torres...
Supervisor: Dr Ayse Zengin
SAGA’s many functions are essential for normal embryo development in flies and mice. Mutation or altered expression of SAGA subunits are associated...
Supervisor: Dr Hans Elmlund
How do muscle stem cells form in the first place and what signals and cues coordinate their formation.
Supervisor: Professor Peter Currie
Many individuals with an acquired brain injury, such as a stroke or traumatic brain injury, experience significant and long lasting physical,...
Supervisor: Professor Jennie Ponsford
Group A Streptococcus (GAS) is typically associated with relatively mild skin or throat infections but may also progress to extremely dangerous...
Supervisor: Dr Danika Hill
The SADHATS study is a prospective observation study of patients at risk of postoperative hypotension at the Royal Melbourne Hospital (RMH), Victoria...
Supervisor: A/Prof Jai Darvall
Nanocomposite biomaterials are an emerging area of research as we seek to optimise the properties of biomaterials to enhance their suitability for...
Supervisor: Dr Mark Del Borgo
Research on syphilis and new methods to improve syphilis testing and control.
Supervisor: Professor Marcus Chen
The project will describe the extent to which Victorian patients access emergency care at multiple hospitals. In addition to quantifying the extent...
Supervisor: Dr Stella Talic
Like many developed countries, the population of Australia is ageing; with 13.8% of the population currently over the age of 65 and predictions this...
Supervisor: Professor Nicole La Gruta
Post-translational modification of joint proteins leads to the generation of autoantigenic peptides that drive the inflammatory response in...
Supervisor: Dr Hugh Reid
Klebsiella pneumoniae is a major cause of antibiotic resistant hospital-associated infections that can be extremely difficult to treat. The World...
Supervisor: Dr Kelly Wyres
Multi-drug resistance in Gram-negative bacteria (MDR-GNB) is a global health challenge that threatens many medical advances. Infections caused by MDR...
Supervisor: Dr Nenad Macesic
Neurogenesis describes the fundamental process of generating neurons that integrate into existing circuits. Although originally thought to cease...
Supervisor: Professor Zhi-Cheng Xiao