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Research Projects

This project utilises an innovative solution to a major health care problem. Behavioural emergencies, such as aggression and self-harm, are...
Supervisor: Dr Marijke Mitchell

The quality and quantity of sleep are very closely related to variations in body temperature: falling asleep generally occurs in the period when...

Rationale for the study Open surgery for the repair of inguinal hernia may lead to some adverse long-term effects upon the structures of the...
Supervisor: Dr Maurizio Pacilli

Rationale for the study Surgery for the treatment of undescended testes may lead to some adverse long-term effects upon the structures of the...
Supervisor: Dr Maurizio Pacilli

Minimally invasive surgery is rapidly expanding in techniques, technology and applications. The aim of this project is to analyse the international...

Children who experience excessive daytime sleepiness are referred to the Melbourne Children's Sleep Centre for assessment of idiopathic...

We are developing a cohort of children who have lost skills and developed autism, sometimes called autistic regression. Using video footage prior to...

There has been a wealth of novel technology including those devices that have been developed by. Monash University The aim of this project will be...
