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CNS control of body weight and glucose homeostasis

It is now well appreciated that adipocytes are not simply fat storage cells, but can be subdivided into white, brown and ‘beige’ cells, with the capacity to store (white) or burn (brown & beige) fat. Together, these cells are fundamentally important in the control energy balance and whole-body adiposity. Recent studies from our laboratory have highlighted the importance of the hypothalamus in controlling the abundance of ‘beige’ fat and thereby energy expenditure. Projects are available to explore how stress affects the CNS-beige adipocyte axis and the impact this has on body weight and glucose homeostasis. Exceptional graduate students with a high level (H1) Honours degree (or equivalent) in Physiology, Neuroscience, Cell Biology or a related discipline are encouraged to apply. The scholarship is open to Australian and New Zealand citizens or permanent residents only and is funded at the rate of the Australian Postgraduate award.
Essential criteria: 
Minimum entry requirements can be found here:
obesity, metabolism, type 2 diabetes, energy homeostasis, hypothalamus, signalling, stress, neuroendocrinology, endocrinology, adipocyte, feeding, thermogenesis
Biomedicine Discovery Institute (School of Biomedical Sciences) » Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Available options 
Masters by research
Time commitment 
Top-up scholarship funding available 
Physical location 
Zane B. Andrews

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