There is a need for accurate, reliable and translatable data on the PHC nursing and midwifery workforce. This will enable obtaining clear insights into factors influencing PHC nurses’ and midwives’ decisions about their work, their commitment to and satisfaction with their work, and longer-term trends in key personal, professional and work factors influencing the composition, activities and capacity of the PHC nursing and midwifery workforce in Australia. Ultimately, nurses’ and midwives’ decisions to enter and leave the PHC workforce, to work when, where and for how long, and their ability to work to the full scope of their practice can have an impact on the capacity of the health system to meet the demand for clinical services, to prevent ill health and to reduce the burden of disease across the diversity of Australian communities.
The aim of the Australian PHC Nursing and Midwifery Workforce Survey is to better understand the role and interplay of these factors on workforce outcomes through examinations of the characteristics and dynamics of the PHC nursing and midwifery workforce in Australia.
The Australian PHC nursing and midwifery workforce survey is conducted annually by the Australian Primary Health Care Nurses Association (APNA). It has Monash University Human Research Ethics Committee approval from 2023-2028. A wide range of research questions may be answered by utilising the data from one or more years of this survey.
Essential criteria:
Minimum entry requirements can be found here:
primary health care nursing workforce
School of Nursing and Midwifery
Available options
Masters by research
Time commitment
Top-up scholarship funding available
Physical location
Peninsula campus or Clayton campus